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How PEP Works

The Basics

When PEP is brought onto your team, she is deployed as a unified system across your company. Each employee, from the CEO to any outward facing sales rep is outfitted with a state of the art sensorial emotional neural device (SEND) node. Even your customers can opt in to PEP when they walk through your door, for a more personalized, tailored experience. 

Clapping Audience
Note Apr 13, 2020 (2).jpg

modifiable chemical

neural interface

SEND node

PEP hub

raw sensory input

personal data profile

PEP personal assistant

reskinned sensory input

The Hard- and Soft-ware

The SEND node, easily attached to your temple, is worn throughout the day, collecting information about your emotional response to various different environments and interactions. Based on this, it builds a profile of your emotional homeostasis, accounting for typical energy fluctuations, specific emotional triggers, and which people you best respond to for criticism or praise. 

Your SEND node contains your individual PEP hub, where your personal profile is stored, and your personal emotional assistant is housed. The PEP hub acts as a mitigating layer between your own sensorial input, and your cognitive perception of it. Located at the first layer of your neural stimulus interface, the PEP hub has the ability to calibrate your perception of your environment. With perceptual and chemical tweaks, it can make the office seem brighter, your salad taste sweeter, and the success of meeting a deadline seem that much more fulfilling. 

This personal profile can be further augmented and expanded with additional data sources of personal preference and behavior, including, but not limited to: personal messages, social media profiles, customer reviews, entertainment preferences, and workplace performance reviews.